Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Book review "Primal- a Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity", by Mark Batterson

Book review “Primal” by author Mark Batterson

     Mark Batterson asks the question “What would your Christianity look like if it was stripped down to the simplest, rawest, purest faith possible?”  In the new book “Primal, A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity”, Mark Batterson takes us on a journey into the past to see what the early Christian church imagined this walk with God should be.
     He challenges the reader to look at oneself to see if we’ve cluttered our Christian walk with traditions and meaningless things and lost the passion, wonder, curiosity, and energy that the early believers were willing to give their lives for. Mark points out that God wants us to worship him not only with our memory but also our imagination. And he adds that half-formed imagination is a spiritual shortcoming in the church. Instead the church should be made up of the most imaginative people in the world!

     I found this book full of challenging questions. Mark dares to ask the question why?
Why can’t a body of believers have a thriving coffee shop and give all the profits to missions?
Why can’t we as Christians have a "Holy Curiosity" as did the great Da Vinci?
Mark pulls no punches when he says “As salt and light, we cannot afford to take potshots at our culture from the comfortable confines of our Christian subculture”. He adds, “We need fewer critics and more creators”. We aren’t to water down the Gospel for creativeness’ sake. But, instead have the courage to incarnate the Gospel in creative ways not just maintain the status quo.

     I believe that the first book any Christian reads in 2010 needs to be “Primal”. If we are going to really be relevant to our world we need more people asking challenging questions and finding better ways to reach the lost and dying. Mark Batterson does that in this new release.
Primal is an easy and engaging read. Mark intertwines personal stories of struggle, failure and success and does so with a passion for finding better ways to disciple and reach out.

    There was a dream that was Christianity by the early church …
In the new release “Primal” Mark Batterson challenges us to rediscover the compassion and excitement for our faith once again.
Thank you to Waterbrook Multnomah for providing the complimentary copy for this review.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Make this year's holidays different?

Kinda funny ...or sad really how everyone runs around being festive for festivity sake and never slows the train down enough to really take-in the season we are in.
This is my 34th Christmas. 11th as a husband, 9th as a father. And to say that I have the recipe for the perfect holiday is far from accurate. But, about 3 years ago my wife and I had an epiphany of sorts.
What if we stopped the madness? I mean really halted things during the holidays?
No driving ...more staying still. Create memories with our little family.
So I offer this as an example. You might say "sorry man that won't work for us." Or maybe you can take a little idea and mold it in to a family tradition of your own.
 I know some of you do something like this ...and I commend you for beating me to the idea.

What if this year .... we didn't drive hours someplace only to turn right around shortly and drive right back...?
    We lit a fire in the fireplace and played Sorry, Clue and other various boardgames way to late ...?
Rent movies we always wanted to see at the theater but missed years ago ... stayed in pajamas all day, ate sushi we fixed at home together. Slept late repeatedly. Snacked all day ...
Stared at Christmas lights and prayed for snow ...?
Turned off the newscasts ...?
...Popped popcorn and ate peanut brittle and fudge before lunch. Drank way to much coffee ...? Didn't take on any major "home improvement projects"? Baked "Birthday Cake for Jesus", watched the Nativity, and read the story from Luke on Christmas Eve ...
 Turned off the cell and computer ... told stories to the kids of when I was their age ...(and watching their faces react to the idea of my being their age ever!)
Didn't try to solve family problems ...
Played old Nintendo games while the little ones giggle at mommy beating daddy at Mario Cart.
Laugh as my kids pound on pots and pans running in the yard at the stroke of midnight New Year's Eve ...
...Create memories ...that my kids will tell their kids ...
Loved more ...argued less ... ponder about all God has given me ...and thank Him ...
What if?

Friday, December 11, 2009

New Book Review Coming ...Mark Batterson's "Primal"

Just received a new book to review.
Excited to begin reading the new release from Mark Batterson "Primal, a Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity".
I will be posting a review in the very near future.
Hope everyone is close to having your Christmas shopping done!

Stay tuned ...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The tunes of the week ...

I was thinking about my music listening habits this week and decided to share what's spinning in the jukebox. What are you listening to this week? Love to hear new suggestions.

-Jars of Clay "Christmas Songs",
      I like the new version of Drummer Boy. Christmas Time is Here and Winter Skin are nice. I saw their Christmas Concert a couple seasons back ...good new songs too.

-U2 "No Line on the Horizon"
       Still spinning this one ...doesn't get old.

 I want to hear from you ...what's your faves?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Blog Rewind- "Listening for Whispers" ...

Originally posted Mar. '09
When I worked in Christian radio about an ion ago I liked the band "Lloyd". They had a song called Listening for Whispers ...the central premise was that we are so busy trying to see the big picture ...we are missing the simple. Busy making a buck that we don't see the pain around us ...So worried about creating a big ministry that we forget about those close by that need help.
"We are listening for whispers while we cannot hear the screams".
All the trends currently are pointing to society wanting a more sense of local community. That is where we have to pay attention and provide that local ministry that they are wanting for their family in these turbulent times.
So listen for the whispers ...see those hurting folks around us that sometimes just need us to show them hope ...especially when they aren't seeing it very many places right now.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Are we defined by our gratitude?

It's cool this week to have a post about thankfulness. Tends to be the default at a holiday. But, in an effort to not be maintaining the status quo I offer this question:
Are we defined by our gratitude? Do our actions reflect the premise that we believe what we profess on our t-shirts? I know that many sermons will or are being preached this week on thankfulness for the blessings we have. (so plenty of reminders there) But in being thankful are we being the blessing? Not are we blessed?
In the US we do have so much ...so are we being servants of the Gospel or just thankful for "what we got". We find the greatest blessings not in what we obtain, but in what we give out of grateful heart.
What defines you regarding thankfulness? Do you say you are thankful but actions reflect different?
So as you gather for turkey or whatever ...think about the gratitude adjustments we all need to make from time to time. I am preaching to myself on this one.
Happy Thanksgiving

Friday, November 20, 2009

Blog Rewind

Connection ...leadership ...and how many friends??

I have been preparing for my classes that I teach this term on Media and Ministry ...and I have these insights that I wanted to blog.
-Number 1.
Connection is all people talk about ...but few fully understand it.
What I mean is everybody is facebooking, tweeting or in general social networking crazy! (those that aren't, are a shrinking minority) But, do we really grasp the magnitude of this? Can we really say that we are friends with this many people? Some think so ...I prefer to see it as a great way to stay in touch and keep some connection to people that I respect and want to learn from.
-Number 2.
Leadership is at an all time low in our world! Seriously! Can you ever remember when we have had so much indecision by our business leaders and so on? I've heard it said that 90% of people would prefer to follow ...and 10% want to lead. So if that many want to follow ...they'll follow someone even if they are being led in a bad direction!
-Number 3.
The church must embrace people's desire to connect! Essentially shunning social media ...or worse staying stuck in the old ways of doing things (same old media adds, print, etc) is only going to make people think that much more that the church isn't interested in being relevant.
-Number 4.
Knowledge is essential.
If we constantly stay educated and well versed in the latest methods of communication we will always have better answers for those who are searching. The church should lead not follow. Enough excuses that we don't have time ...or don't have the staff ...or the funds!
Think creative ...and ask God for wisdom to help beyond the limitations that we place on ourselves.
All for now,
God Speed

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thoughts on Using Media and how it relates to the sermon

As promised to the class today at RBTC ...here are my main points from the lecture:

Regarding using video in your sermons.

1. Brief and to the point is best.
2. Quality matters (both audio and video).
3. Don’t rely only on the video (things go wrong).
4. Just because you want a video to supplement doesn’t mean you should have one.
5. Video should never replace a sound sermon.
6. Be engaging not distracting.

Nothing relates the message of the Gospel better than personal stories. The Bible is full of such examples.
“A generation ago the question was, “What is truth?” Today, the question is, “What’s the point?” -Billy Graham
Relating to the community on a level that matters to them is paramount to reaching a generation that is increasingly disinterested in all things church related.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Does your method matter?

Does your method for reaching the outside world resonate or not?
I submit the following:

1. Be open to re-think.
Be willing to re-think your methods and assess whether they are being done because they are effective and not just because that's the way you've always done it!
2. Realize change is constant.
More changes than technology, the means by which people want communicated and ministered to does as well ...nearly daily.
3. Everyone is a consumer.
Like it or not people don't always choose a church or ministry to support because they are being led by the Spirit to do so. More often than not it's no different than how they choose their favorite coffee or grocery store. What's convenient, friendliness, and modern approach are far bigger reasons people make decisions on.
4. Reinventing how we communicate isn’t sinful, it’s essential!
Seriously do we even need to talk about this?
5. The message stays the same the method doesn’t!
What worked for my parents and their mega church going friends is not going to appeal to the culture today. You can't keep the Gospel packaged in 1970's wrappers and expect the current generation to see it as relevant to their lives.
6. It never stops being about people!
The second any organization loses sight of this is the exact moment that it has lost it's way. People, not your personal philosophy, are what makes ministry. Start understanding the needs of people right in your daily world and find out what are the issues they face. It's more than just a mission statement or catchy slogan that matters. It's meeting people right where they are with God's love.

What ones can you add to the list?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Getting things done

I just finished reading John Eldredge's "Walking with God". (I know I have been slow lately getting my reading on) Anyway, one line in the book stood out and has made me ponder for days now.
Essentially John said he came to the realization that he didn't live, rather he just got things done.
Wow, you might as well have hit me in the head with that hardback book! That is exactly how I feel sometimes ...honestly too much of the time. Just gettin' things done. Create a plan, act on it, mark it off the list, on to the next. Don't get me wrong ...getting those very tasks done with excellence (I am a perfectionist which might explain all this) But losing myself in the busy forest ...and not seeing the trees.
Seriously this can be a real snare of the enemy. Keeping so busy that we don't live life. I know that it's caused me to take a look at the areas that I don't slow down and think about purpose and goals. Not just accomplishing tasks for accomplishment sake.
How does this make you think? Or reflect?

Friday, August 7, 2009

Where did summer go? No really ...where did it go?

Where did summer go? No really ...where did it go?
The kids are getting ready for school which seems to begin sooner every year. It intrudes upon the great respite unlike when we were all kids when it seemed we never started before Sept.
But I have to admit we can't have college football soon enough! For some reason this year I am anticipating the upcoming season more. Maybe because my favorite of the four seasons is football. Or because I always miss the cool temps of growing up a child in the mid-west and seeing the leaves fall ...
Either way ...I have deviated from a more deep and thought provoking blog this week to say bring on the pigskin!

God speed,

Friday, July 10, 2009

Ah Ha! Moment of the Week

My wife calls these "ah ha!" moments...

"Why?" A simple question I asked my team this week. When it comes to creating, or any other process in your ministry or on your job ...why do you do it the way you do it? More importantly, what is the answer?
Sometimes the answer shows that we have a good process for the program, event, etc.
But when the answer is the dreaded "That's the way we have always done it." Then I think it's time to re-think.
So much of the time we have just followed what someone else has lined out for us. The process ...the style ...the whatever.
I know that for me I have felt the need to ask this question in more than how it relates to work.

Why do I approach my walk with God the way I do? Why do I pray in the manner I do?
What about my daily devotions? Why does it look the way it does?
So much of the time are we the most worried about whether or not those prayers get answered because we just need something? I'm honestly beyond that ...seemed like that was a concern for me once. Now it's more this gut-wrenching, crushing, heaviness in my heart ....that I am not getting any closer to my Father ...instead I've reduced myself to a "give me God" so called Christian.
Only concerned about God when I want something or in dire straits.
I can't be that guy anymore. I loathe that guy. My heart wants to be a warrior's ...but I come to the king's court acting like a peasant.

One of the most over used phrases in Christendom is "personal relationship with God". I think we've heard it so much we have forgotten completely what it even means. It means more than vending machine "give me" Faith. No it's walking more than daily with God. It's second by second. Not some weird religious, flaky thing.

We ask God to use us, guide us ...then when things don't go as we planned them ...outside our little box ...we do what a friend of mine calls "trying to get it all back to normal". News flash ...there is no normal.
This was my "ah ha!" moment this week.
My normal ...is non-existent. I don't want to live the lie that is normal ...cause it isn't real.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Greater Focus?

No one can make you focus. No one can make you do what you don't want to do.
A little back story:
A while back my wife and I both felt that we were being led of the Lord to get out of debt. It wasn't easy ...because we had to say no to ourselves a lot. No eating out, no unnecessary spending and so on. Others treated us like we were missing out on so much! Yes we were ...more debt like them!
Now that hard decision has proven to be a real blessing. It's a great thing to see what truly focusing on something can do. It taught our kids that responsibility with money and how we spend it is of huge importance.

So much of the time we ARE focused ...on things that are not important at all. Worrying about what others think about us. Or how we appear ...having stuff to impress others.
All of that which matters little. That's what we spend most of our time focusing on.

Why? I think that in today's modern world we are obsessed with appearances. The Bible says in Matthew 6:21(Message) ...The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being.
I think where you place your focus is directly connected to what you treasure.
Makes sense doesn't it? You value what you place importance on ...and focus on that.
I have been very bad at focusing on what doesn't matter ...more than I would like to admit.
To man up and change our focus is the challenge. Ask God for His guidance to have the Greater Focus we need. The greatest realization that I have ever had is ...I can't do this on my own.
Through my own ability I will fail every time.
This journey is complex. This journey is always challenging.
Greater focus ...for what really matters on this journey is what I am striving for.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Thank You's

I want to thank all of you that attended the MLH Conference this week. Great questions and I hope that my team and I were able to help with understandable information.
Sometimes the hardest part is trying to keep it simple but at the same time worth your while.
Don't hesitate to be in contact with any questions regarding the material that was covered.
Things are busy and I will do my best to post again shortly.

God Speed,


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Conference notes and such

We are in the midst of MLH -Minister's, Leadership, and Helps Conference ...and as promised here are some followup notes for the classes:
I will be updating as I teach the classes this week.

-Technology is always changing and the only way to stay relevant is to keep in the know.
(Great leaders are readers)
-Our culture's language is Media
-It's all about the people ...staying connected to them as a church leader is essential. People attend and remain at a church because of connection to friends. Twitter, Facebook and the like are excellent tools.
-People most of the time decide whether to return to your church before you finish your first worship song.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Observations …
As many of you know I just returned from a whirlwind trip around the Pacific Rim/SE Asia. Eight countries visited in less than 2 weeks. Thailand, Indonesia, Samoa …just to name a few. I recorded various video segments for the ministry and had a chance to taste the local cuisine as well. This isn’t my first trip abroad …but this is my first stab at listing the obvious and some new revelations!
Here are my observations from this trip and a few are surprising:
-Bottled water is my friend.
-Internet access is always more expensive at the hotels with more stars after their name. Seriously this is something that is really ridiculous.
-No place in America is the traffic even close to how bad it is in Jakarta Indonesia. LA, NY and Houston combined are no comparison.
-A wool suit is not a good idea in Bangkok.
-Samoa is Hawaii 100 years ago (before the touristy stuff )
-More and more places are discontinuing postcards.
-It’s harder on the body’s internal clock going east across time zones then going west.
-I love Polynesian/Asian cuisine!
-I am not interested in a Fish Spa.
-The closer to the equator you get …the better your sunscreen needs to be.
And on a more important note:
The growth of the Christian church is growing rapidly and we need to daily pray for the challenges that our missionary friends are dealing with …that they would have favor with leaders and have their financial needs met.
-The hunger for God’s Word is very pronounced in these countries.

All for now ...Godspeed

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Create something today.

If you're like me you get bogged down from time to time with all the tasks due and what is expected each day. So it's easy to forget the important things ...
Today Create.
Take a moment over a cup of coffee and let your brain think out of the box. What can you do that is unique and new in ministry to better reach those around you?
Rethink your marketing? Rethink your strategy for appealing to the community?
As an individual what can you do today to shine the light of Christ to a growing skeptical world?
When you do this you'll get some ideas that are going to take time to implement ...but getting the ball rolling forward with progress is imperative.
Don't get discouraged. Don't get overwhelmed ...
Create something today.

Friday, April 3, 2009

My Favorite Apps free from the net

Ok, so I promised my students that I would give my opinionated listing of free apps from the internet that I like and or use the most. While there are so many more that I am researching, this is for now. These are ranked in importance or most use by myself. Please comment back as to what ones or others that you like using.
10. Facebook- While it has become very mainstream to use it ...it's still a great way to stay in touch and network.
9. Gmail- I didn't really use this until I started blogging. One of the easiest interfaces for webmail.
8. YouTube- My first stop ...although there are better quality options ...this one is still top choice.
7. Skype- I have used this a lot when traveling overseas. I love that it's even more reliable than the earlier versions ...and that it's free!
6. You Version- Easy to use Bible app ...makes my Blackberry more anointed too.
5. People Browsr- Just discovered and love the way that it makes twitter more useful and organizes my lists of networked friends.
4. Hulu- I have been using this for well over a year (even before their big add campaign) it's my top choice for watching many of the newest shows ...and classic ones from when I was a kid!
3. Blogger- I know that there are other options ...but for now this is the one that I use for blogging.
2. Filezilla- For now I use this as my quick way to transfer web content to ftp and websites.
1. Twitter- No surprises here. I am big on this app and will continue until I find a better way to update my Facebook AND my blog at the same time.
Honorable mentions-
Ping, Delicious, and Tidal TV

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Connection ...leadership ...and how many friends??

I have been preparing for my classes that I teach this term on Media and Ministry ...and I have these insights that I wanted to blog.
-Number 1.
Connection is all people talk about ...but few fully understand it.
What I mean is everybody is facebooking, tweeting or in general social networking crazy! (those that aren't, are a shrinking minority) But, do we really grasp the magnitude of this? Can we really say that we are friends with this many people? Some think so ...I prefer to see it as a great way to stay in touch and keep some connection to people that I respect and want to learn from.
-Number 2.
Leadership is at an all time low in our world! Seriously! Can you ever remember when we have had so much indecision by our business leaders and so on? I've heard it said that 90% of people would prefer to follow ...and 10% want to lead. So if that many want to follow ...they'll follow someone even if they are being led in a bad direction!
-Number 3.
The church must embrace people's desire to connect! Essentially shunning social media ...or worse staying stuck in the old ways of doing things (same old media adds, print, etc) is only going to make people think that much more that the church isn't interested in being relevant.
-Number 4.
Knowledge is essential.
If we constantly stay educated and well versed in the latest methods of communication we will always have better answers for those who are searching. The church should lead not follow. Enough excuses that we don't have time ...or don't have the staff ...or the funds!
Think creative ...and ask God for wisdom to help beyond the limitations that we place on ourselves.
All for now,
God Speed

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Listening for Whispers ...

When I worked in Christian radio about an ion ago I liked the band "Lloyd". They had a song called Listening for Whispers ...the central premise was that we are so busy trying to see the big picture ...we are missing the simple. Busy making a buck that we don't see the pain around us ...So worried about creating a big ministry that we forget about those close by that need help.
"We are listening for whispers while we cannot hear the screams".
All the trends currently are pointing to society wanting a more sense of local community. That is where we have to pay attention and provide that local ministry that they are wanting for their family in these turbulent times.
So listen for the whispers ...see those hurting folks around us that sometimes just need us to show them hope ...especially when they aren't seeing it very many places right now.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Just over two weeks ago I had started another busy day at the office when I received a call that shook me. My friend Ron McClelland had suddenly passed away at the very young age of 33. Some of you knew Ron as the talented musician from the Christian band Story Side B. I however was very privileged to know him as a ministry colleague before that.
In the early part of this decade Ron and I both joined the staff of a large church in SE Texas at about the same time. He was the music guy and I the media guy. We hit it off right away. He was a Michigan fan and I an Ohio State fan. He and I were the same age and had wives named Beka! We had also just moved a long way from home ...But more than that, we both had a heart for ministry and loved our families.
What truly was the watershed moment this week for me wasn't the age he passed (I also am 33) it was that I hadn't stayed in as close contact as I should have. We both had moved to other areas of ministry and the country ...and I talked to him maybe once or twice a year. (And I hadn't talked to him recently.)
What I realized is that I need to make the effort to be a better friend. Now I know that sounds cliche' but I really felt that. We are all busy with life, career, etc.
But there is always another game to go to ...another dance lesson to drive kids to, another service to attend ...but what Jesus said about being a friend is the thing that we need to remember.
I can't make up for lost time ...but I can do a better job being less busy and more concerned about the people that God has brought across my path in this world.
So my challenge to you is to think about your friendships ... they say people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.