Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas, and why I'm so darn sentimental

I realized this week just how much I love Christmas. I was singing out loud in my truck carols. Really?
Yep I love Christmas. I love the smells, music, decorations....all of it.
But, most of all I love when I see my kids excited about all that too. Seems we too often as adults lose the magic. Caught up in all the gift buying and worrying about the money.
So how about this? Take a minute and remember what you felt as a kid about Christmas....just pause and take a breath. I want my kids to know that the spirit behind the giving is remembering what God did for us many centuries ago.
It's easy to lose sight of the purpose, what with all the "war on Christmas" rhetoric.
After the deep breath determine a new memory to make this year with your family. It's what they remember long after the toys are old news anyway.