Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rescuing a Heart from 2010

At the end of the year so many times we write reflective letters or cards to commemorate the year that was. Including the simple life accomplishments and small and large victories. I had no intention of doing that this year. You, that know me well, are aware that 2010 was far from victorious for me. Without being dramatic it was without a doubt the worst personal year of my adult life. And I'm not here to lament about that. I will say that growing closer to my children and learning more of their hearts has been a great positive.
But as I gave thought to the year, I wanted to at least be able to take a thought or lesson learned from what this year was. And that's when I realized that more than anything I had learned the importance of protecting and looking out for my own heart.
Rescuing it really from what this year tried to crush it with.

I have learned that as the Bible so plainly states it ...we must protect our hearts for it's the wellspring of life. I can say that the arrows that were shot at mine weren't of cupid's doing but that of a sinister spiritual enemy who sought to destroy. With betrayal, selfishness, and abandonment.
Rescuing my heart from the grasp of this destructive force was a conscious choice. Otherwise I'll never be able to move forward towards any kind of a future personally.

If I can speak to anyone that feels like their heart is un-mendable, or too crushed to ever live again doesn't have to be.
God really did make us to live for so much more. More than we imagine. You can forgive and live.
You can stand again and believe in hope once more. You can rescue your heart from the enemies camp. Because God placed His story inside you that he wants told. But it only is told from within your heart.
It doesn't get easier ...but it does get simpler.
Merry Christmas and yeah for 2011!!!