Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Are we defined by our gratitude?

It's cool this week to have a post about thankfulness. Tends to be the default at a holiday. But, in an effort to not be maintaining the status quo I offer this question:
Are we defined by our gratitude? Do our actions reflect the premise that we believe what we profess on our t-shirts? I know that many sermons will or are being preached this week on thankfulness for the blessings we have. (so plenty of reminders there) But in being thankful are we being the blessing? Not are we blessed?
In the US we do have so much ...so are we being servants of the Gospel or just thankful for "what we got". We find the greatest blessings not in what we obtain, but in what we give out of grateful heart.
What defines you regarding thankfulness? Do you say you are thankful but actions reflect different?
So as you gather for turkey or whatever ...think about the gratitude adjustments we all need to make from time to time. I am preaching to myself on this one.
Happy Thanksgiving

Friday, November 20, 2009

Blog Rewind

Connection ...leadership ...and how many friends??

I have been preparing for my classes that I teach this term on Media and Ministry ...and I have these insights that I wanted to blog.
-Number 1.
Connection is all people talk about ...but few fully understand it.
What I mean is everybody is facebooking, tweeting or in general social networking crazy! (those that aren't, are a shrinking minority) But, do we really grasp the magnitude of this? Can we really say that we are friends with this many people? Some think so ...I prefer to see it as a great way to stay in touch and keep some connection to people that I respect and want to learn from.
-Number 2.
Leadership is at an all time low in our world! Seriously! Can you ever remember when we have had so much indecision by our business leaders and so on? I've heard it said that 90% of people would prefer to follow ...and 10% want to lead. So if that many want to follow ...they'll follow someone even if they are being led in a bad direction!
-Number 3.
The church must embrace people's desire to connect! Essentially shunning social media ...or worse staying stuck in the old ways of doing things (same old media adds, print, etc) is only going to make people think that much more that the church isn't interested in being relevant.
-Number 4.
Knowledge is essential.
If we constantly stay educated and well versed in the latest methods of communication we will always have better answers for those who are searching. The church should lead not follow. Enough excuses that we don't have time ...or don't have the staff ...or the funds!
Think creative ...and ask God for wisdom to help beyond the limitations that we place on ourselves.
All for now,
God Speed

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thoughts on Using Media and how it relates to the sermon

As promised to the class today at RBTC ...here are my main points from the lecture:

Regarding using video in your sermons.

1. Brief and to the point is best.
2. Quality matters (both audio and video).
3. Don’t rely only on the video (things go wrong).
4. Just because you want a video to supplement doesn’t mean you should have one.
5. Video should never replace a sound sermon.
6. Be engaging not distracting.

Nothing relates the message of the Gospel better than personal stories. The Bible is full of such examples.
“A generation ago the question was, “What is truth?” Today, the question is, “What’s the point?” -Billy Graham
Relating to the community on a level that matters to them is paramount to reaching a generation that is increasingly disinterested in all things church related.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Does your method matter?

Does your method for reaching the outside world resonate or not?
I submit the following:

1. Be open to re-think.
Be willing to re-think your methods and assess whether they are being done because they are effective and not just because that's the way you've always done it!
2. Realize change is constant.
More changes than technology, the means by which people want communicated and ministered to does as well ...nearly daily.
3. Everyone is a consumer.
Like it or not people don't always choose a church or ministry to support because they are being led by the Spirit to do so. More often than not it's no different than how they choose their favorite coffee or grocery store. What's convenient, friendliness, and modern approach are far bigger reasons people make decisions on.
4. Reinventing how we communicate isn’t sinful, it’s essential!
Seriously do we even need to talk about this?
5. The message stays the same the method doesn’t!
What worked for my parents and their mega church going friends is not going to appeal to the culture today. You can't keep the Gospel packaged in 1970's wrappers and expect the current generation to see it as relevant to their lives.
6. It never stops being about people!
The second any organization loses sight of this is the exact moment that it has lost it's way. People, not your personal philosophy, are what makes ministry. Start understanding the needs of people right in your daily world and find out what are the issues they face. It's more than just a mission statement or catchy slogan that matters. It's meeting people right where they are with God's love.

What ones can you add to the list?