Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Just over two weeks ago I had started another busy day at the office when I received a call that shook me. My friend Ron McClelland had suddenly passed away at the very young age of 33. Some of you knew Ron as the talented musician from the Christian band Story Side B. I however was very privileged to know him as a ministry colleague before that.
In the early part of this decade Ron and I both joined the staff of a large church in SE Texas at about the same time. He was the music guy and I the media guy. We hit it off right away. He was a Michigan fan and I an Ohio State fan. He and I were the same age and had wives named Beka! We had also just moved a long way from home ...But more than that, we both had a heart for ministry and loved our families.
What truly was the watershed moment this week for me wasn't the age he passed (I also am 33) it was that I hadn't stayed in as close contact as I should have. We both had moved to other areas of ministry and the country ...and I talked to him maybe once or twice a year. (And I hadn't talked to him recently.)
What I realized is that I need to make the effort to be a better friend. Now I know that sounds cliche' but I really felt that. We are all busy with life, career, etc.
But there is always another game to go to ...another dance lesson to drive kids to, another service to attend ...but what Jesus said about being a friend is the thing that we need to remember.
I can't make up for lost time ...but I can do a better job being less busy and more concerned about the people that God has brought across my path in this world.
So my challenge to you is to think about your friendships ... they say people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.