Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Using Video/Media for services

1. Brief and to the point is best.
2. Quality matters (both audio and video).
3. Don’t rely only on the video (things go wrong).
4. Just because you want a video to supplement doesn’t mean you should have one.
5. Video should never replace a sound sermon.
6. Be engaging not distracting.

Be consistent 
Look beyond you
Creative teaching is not about the latest technology.
It’s about clearly communicating in the right language for the culture.

Relationships matter

What makes your product, class, etc. something that the consumer values.
It’s the experience that matters for consumers.

Perceived value is VERY important.
Consumers don’t always understand the relevance of the church, because the value is perceived as low. 

Nothing relates the message of the Gospel better than personal stories. The Bible is full of such examples.
“A generation ago the question was, “What is truth?” Today, the question is, “What’s the point?” -Billy Graham
Relating to the community on a level that matters to them is paramount to reaching a generation that is increasingly disinterested in all things church related.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

When NOT to change

Another question
If it's not broken, should it be broken anyway? I heard a very influential leader state that his organization does this every 2-3 years. Which meant even changing staff and eliminating programs. Not because they didn't work, but to avoid stagnation.
At first blush I contend that seems harsh because people depend on their job and providing for their families just to have things changed on them fairly regularly.
But I thought this. If that's the pattern when is it ok NOT to change? What's the deciding factor? Boredom? Fear of irrelevance? I think the question needs to be answered simply What is God's assignment for us? That is the test to apply to them ask about the need to change or not. 
How have you encountered the need to change programs etc or not to change with an organization or business?