Thursday, November 8, 2012

Entitlement epidemic

I can remember at no other point in my life where so many people around me have such an attitude of entitlement.
My Gen X has told Gen Y "it's all about getting stuff". Doesn't matter to work hard and put in the time, and sweat, and effort. No I want someone else to give me what I want.
Reminds me that as a father and leader I must practice humility, grace, and show the work ethic I want picked up by children and by others.
It's never all about us. That's the subtle lie from the enemy. It's about Jesus. Being His hands and feet.
The minute we give into the "I want what I want now" attitude it starts trickling down into the behavior of our kids and corrupts an entire generation.
We have to become the difference maker here. Or we will lose the battle.
It's up to us to teach by example and by precept. Christ already showed us how. Love others, show mercy, walk fully with our God.
He is with us.

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