Saturday, January 22, 2011


I've been thinking about the word contentment lately. It's official definition is "the state of being contented; satisfaction; ease of mind." Yikes! When have I felt much at ease of mind?
I guess I saw it maybe as a failing position in life? You know, I thought to be content is to be complacent or satisfied? Seems that society teaches a similar thought. You know "never stop going full steam ahead." "Keep striving for that brass ring!" lol
So where does God stand on this? Well 1 Tim. 6:6 says "But godliness with contentment is great gain."
So not contentment alone. But godliness with it. It's not enough to be godly. And only being content won't gain you anything either. The two are needed simultaneously.
Seems that Paul was on to something here huh?
I think the reason I've been thinking about this is I sometimes feel like I don't know where things in this life are headed. And I can feel very far from any state of being content. In 2011 I have a desire to be content. I think it's God given ...if nothing else it's heart derived.
Because I don't think any of us can step into the next season He has for us without first being truly content in the one He has us in NOW.
My prayer for you is that you would find His joy, wisdom, favor, and contentment ...this week, month, and the year to come.
I'm a work in progress ...


Unknown said...

Wholeheartedly, I agree. God is the giver of our dreams and the fulfiller of our heart's desires, but without gratitude for what we already have we are not in a good frame of mind to believe and to have peace for what we have already accomplished. Thanks for sharing of your thoughts! Carmen

Unknown said...

I agree, it seems to be that in the contentment, then God loves to surprise us with our heart's desires (once we have really given them over to Him). He loves to surprise us with "super-abundantly, above all we ever dared hope, dream or imagine". Eph 3:20