Saturday, June 27, 2009

Greater Focus?

No one can make you focus. No one can make you do what you don't want to do.
A little back story:
A while back my wife and I both felt that we were being led of the Lord to get out of debt. It wasn't easy ...because we had to say no to ourselves a lot. No eating out, no unnecessary spending and so on. Others treated us like we were missing out on so much! Yes we were ...more debt like them!
Now that hard decision has proven to be a real blessing. It's a great thing to see what truly focusing on something can do. It taught our kids that responsibility with money and how we spend it is of huge importance.

So much of the time we ARE focused ...on things that are not important at all. Worrying about what others think about us. Or how we appear ...having stuff to impress others.
All of that which matters little. That's what we spend most of our time focusing on.

Why? I think that in today's modern world we are obsessed with appearances. The Bible says in Matthew 6:21(Message) ...The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being.
I think where you place your focus is directly connected to what you treasure.
Makes sense doesn't it? You value what you place importance on ...and focus on that.
I have been very bad at focusing on what doesn't matter ...more than I would like to admit.
To man up and change our focus is the challenge. Ask God for His guidance to have the Greater Focus we need. The greatest realization that I have ever had is ...I can't do this on my own.
Through my own ability I will fail every time.
This journey is complex. This journey is always challenging.
Greater focus ...for what really matters on this journey is what I am striving for.


Anonymous said...

Great post David. You can't look to others for your barometer of success. The second you do, you are up to your eyeballs in debt. I think we all fight that contentment battle and somehow God is in the tension of it. Thou shalt not covet comes to mind but I want it all!!! Good word, good word. I need guys like you walking around content with your stuff. It helps me be content too.

RDA said...

Nice Post. I definitely need greater focus on the Lord at times.