Friday, November 13, 2015

Review Notes

Essential components for simple tapings include:
-SD cards
-Computer and Editing Software
-Light Kit
-External Mic
-optional accessories include: Extra lenses, green screen, external hard drive

-Advertising is the practice of calling ones attention to a particular product, service, or need.

-Effective Advertising requires 
Matching Brand Message

The 3 month rule allows adequate time for the advertising to be heard/seen and audience familiarity.

Advertising for churches in no different in the essential principles.
Your Brand is your organization's story.

For any campaign to be successful it must have 1 Cost Justification, 2 Be distinctive, 3 "Tell me what you want me to know" message, 4 Ask the audience to take a step. (Call, visit, go online)

"Marketing is the management of perception".
One of the top forgotten steps by organizations is to Track the results.
We don't try to reach an audience, we determine who our audience is and we go reach them where they listen/watch, etc.
Static media such as billboards has become less effective in recent years with the advancement of digital advertising 

Media is the language of our culture

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