Thursday, September 16, 2010

The False Self Deception

I'm through with false self! You know the guy that we portray to the world that is a facade of the real us? Now I learned of the definition from the writings of Eldredge. So I give proper credit. But until you really experience something that shakes your world-view...I don't think you see the false self exposed.
In this world, that is social media obsessed, no doubt the false selves are easier to maintain. Feeding the animal though is unreal. Because it's living a lie. And when you live a lie you have to keep up with the lies to keep from being found out. So the games are played, and you never really live in a world that makes sense.
This is where God steps in. I experienced the crossroads where He met me on this. I could choose to be less than real or not really care what people thought and be who I am.
See our delusion of grandeur is that we can actually live this way. Hey it's not living's existing.
God shakes us to the core and forces us in to a shift that demands we choose. He won't wait until it's convenient or until we stop spinning the plates. He meets us on this subject when it's inopportune.

I'm through with false self ...he can't live here anymore.

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