For a long time I'll admit I've wrestled with this subject. What does it mean to lead in this area? Legacy is defined as "handing down to another". While I can say with certainty that I would want my children to have a legacy from me that was positive I can't say that I always have fully understood how to exactly achieve it.
We are in a Christian subculture with formulas and cliche' sayings that fool us all into thinking that we can just read a book or take a class and presto ...good to go.
Truth is navigating this life parenting and striving to give my kids an example of what a "Godly Man" looks like isn't easy. It also isn't easy to always clearly communicate to my kids what I want them to understand ...after all, they're kids and they can't always grasp it.
So what keeps me awake at night? My seeking the face of God to guide me here this confusing and distracting world. If there is one thing to know about me is that I read ...a lot. And in the Sacred Romance, Brent Curtis and John Eldredge point to the attacks of the enemy towards our soul and spirit as "arrows". Some are flesh wounds, while others pierce deep and get lodged in our hearts. What is the mistake is not taking that wound to Jesus ...admitting and asking Him to be the healer.
See I can't be a whole person to parent or be a friend or a son ...if I don't allow Jesus to heal and remove that arrow. Only He can fill the void in my soul. Only He can lead me in the path that enables me to instruct and raise my children right.
It's in this moment that I can stand against the onslaught of the arrows ...and it's this reaction to it that shows my kids the legacy to be remembered as they embark in this journey. I choose to be the standard bearer for their sake.
It's what God has called each of us who parent to do.
And by the way ...I am still learning and stumble at this like everyone.
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