Friday, April 25, 2014

Re-post 5 Rules of Marketing Church Media

5 Rules of Marketing Church Media

As promised here are the 5 Rules of Marketing Church Media that I referred to in the class lecture:

     1. Research-
                 What can you get the most for your money in your situation and event promotion? You
                 won't know until you take the time to research all the pricing and possibilities.
                  Facebook ads? TV spots? Radio?

     2. Know your audience-
                 Learn the Demographics of your audience and where they get their news, info, and
                 entertainment. You waste money otherwise.

     3. Be redundant-
                 Repeat your message over and over in as many different ways possible.
                 People don't retain from the first couple of impressions alone.

    4. Be relevant-
                A message that is seemingly out of touch with your audience is a wasted one. Educate
                yourself to their likes and preferences. This means ask questions!

    5. Know your limits-
               Certainly your budget and time frame come into play here, but even more than that, what
               is it that God has called you to do specifically? Trying to be all things to all people all the
               time is not only impossible, it's ingenuous as well. Decide what's important and stick to it.

Now realize these aren't the end all rules. They are just some essential ones from my experience over the last 18 years or so. What's some that you would submit?

Friday, March 28, 2014

Class Notes 3-28-14

1. Brief and to the point is best.
2. Quality matters (both audio and video).
3. Don’t rely only on the video (things go wrong).
4. Just because you want a video to supplement doesn’t mean you should have one.
5. Video should never replace a sound sermon.
6. Be engaging not distracting.

Be consistent 
Look beyond you
Creative teaching is not about the latest technology.
It’s about clearly communicating in the right language for the culture.

Relationships matter

What makes your product, class, etc. something that the consumer values.
It’s the experience that matters for consumers.

Perceived value is VERY important.
Consumers don’t always understand the relevance of the church, because the value is perceived as low. 

Nothing relates the message of the Gospel better than personal stories. The Bible is full of such examples.
“A generation ago the question was, “What is truth?” Today, the question is, “What’s the point?” -Billy Graham
Relating to the community on a level that matters to them is paramount to reaching a generation that is increasingly disinterested in all things church related.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"First World Problems" or "First World Solutions"?

I'm always intrigued by the conversations my wife and I get into especially on date nights. Recently she was sharing with me how she had been thinking a lot about the hashtag we see a lot "First World Problems". She's an elementary teacher and in dealing with kids you hear quite a bit of situations that fit that.
She shared how she taught a Bible lesson recently about thankfulness and how that relates to us here in the developed world.

We do take much for granted. And we mostly know this. If you've traveled outside the U.S. like I have you know just how good we have it here. Clean water, opportunity to labor and be paid a decent wage, freedom to worship and free speech... All examples of how blessed we are here in the "First World".

So the discussion led to this thought. What are we doing within our First World for others? And I pose the question to my own self too.
Maybe it's just being friendly to the barista at your favorite coffee shop. Or being mindful and sensitive that God might lead you to help someone you're not even aware of is in need?
You need not be "in" ministry to be a minister.

I think it's easy to "mock" the hashtag here, but instead let's use it as a reminder for action. A reminder to "do" more then just "say".
Showing God's love and grace to our community. Being God's hands and feet in the daily world we navigate in.
THAT is how we create a different world.
Today make a point to do something positive in our first world. Pay it forward or whatever you'd like to label it.
Be a small part of what could be a big miracle for somebody else.



Monday, January 6, 2014

Media Ministry Resources

Great resources for Media Ministry-
Check out just some of the resources that I have come across.

"Media Ministry Made Easy" by Tim Eason ebook download

"The Wired Church" by Len Wilson
"Branding Faith" by Phil Cooke
