As promised here are the 5 Rules of Marketing Church Media that I referred to in the class lecture:
1. Research-
What can you get the most for your money in your situation and event promotion? You
won't know until you take the time to research all the pricing and possibilities.
Facebook ads? TV spots? Radio?
2. Know your audience-
Learn the Demographics of your audience and where they get their news, info, and
entertainment. You waste money otherwise.
3. Be redundant-
Repeat your message over and over in as many different ways possible.
People don't retain from the first couple of impressions alone.
4. Be relevant-
A message that is seemingly out of touch with your audience is a wasted one. Educate
yourself to their likes and preferences. This means ask questions!
5. Know your limits-
Certainly your budget and time frame come into play here, but even more than that, what
is it that God has called you to do specifically? Trying to be all things to all people all the
time is not only impossible, it's ingenuous as well. Decide what's important and stick to it.
Now realize these aren't the end all rules. They are just some essential ones from my experience over the last 18 years or so. What's some that you would submit?