Thursday, March 29, 2012

Time to slow down?

What exactly is going on with our society here in the US? I know that's a big question. But seriously I refer to this incredible "fill your schedule to breaking and act like you are accomplishing anything" mentality. In fact all we do is fool ourselves into thinking that we have any effectiveness. I realize that we are to do everything as unto the Lord. But, I'm not referring to your commitment level. Not at all. This isn't about hard work for your employer or volunteering for your favorite charity or church. I mean our mind set.
It's a pretty empowering thing when you feel like you make a difference in this world. And not refocusing on what's really important is part of the problem when we falter in this.
Slow down ...what is really important that you are missing out on? Your time with your kids ...dads??
What about time spent with God ...seeking His direction?
Make a list. What's really important? What isn't?
 If you write it down you might be surprised what you need to let go of. Ask God to show you ...He after all knows better than we do now doesn't He?

Monday, March 5, 2012

A New Beginning ...

Seems that no matter what we go through we learn don't we? It's no secret that I've walked a path of triumph and loss. It's through this that we develop the strength to get back up. I'm not invinsible nor easily defeated. I'm also not arrogant to think that I can't learn and move into the next step God has for me.
Life, it's made up of seasons or chapters really. Each can be horrific or magnificent. Life giving or disastrous. It's what makes up the human condition. It's what makes us who we are. I'm a dad, a son, a friend, and with God's help, a good man. Oh and as you can see lil bit of a romantic.
My close friends and family know the path I've walked. None of it a cakewalk.
Well, pages turn and a new chapter is beginning. Ms. Heather who is such a light in a dark world ...and my second chance, said yes ...
Yes... when I asked her to become my wife. This journey and adventure is just beginning! I love you Heather. I'm honored and blessed. God's faithfulness and grace is overwhelming.
I don't deserve His unmerited favor one does. But, I'm truly thankful and pray that my children see in me determination and an unflinching grasp of "always hope".