Have your ever really stopped to think about how fast a year passes perhaps after an event? Maybe for you it's the time Christmas to Christmas. Or perhaps it's a memory of a dear loved one's passing? Whether joyful or sorrow filled, time can sometimes just slip away rapidly. I was reflecting on that today. Time flies and it has little to do with anything but our own perception. Procrastination lives in the world where our sensitivity to "spiritualizing our laziness" has numbed us through.
We don't feel anymore, because we don't want to feel something if it's pain.
This is where desire dies. It can't live in that realm. It wasn't meant to.
For a long time I've studied something about myself. When I lose my desire to press into a deeper spiritual walk it's not because I simply got discouraged ...it's that I was strategically setup.
We are opposed in this life. That is not accidental.
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
- The Unusual Suspects
When we abandon our desire ...we have unsuspectingly given in to the very opposition we thought we were defeating.
Never give up ...it's time to dream again. It's been a year.