I just finished reading John Eldredge's "Walking with God". (I know I have been slow lately getting my reading on) Anyway, one line in the book stood out and has made me ponder for days now.
Essentially John said he came to the realization that he didn't live, rather he just got things done.
Wow, you might as well have hit me in the head with that hardback book! That is exactly how I feel sometimes ...honestly too much of the time. Just gettin' things done. Create a plan, act on it, mark it off the list, on to the next. Don't get me wrong ...getting those very tasks done with excellence (I am a perfectionist which might explain all this) But losing myself in the busy forest ...and not seeing the trees.
Seriously this can be a real snare of the enemy. Keeping so busy that we don't live life. I know that it's caused me to take a look at the areas that I don't slow down and think about purpose and goals. Not just accomplishing tasks for accomplishment sake.
How does this make you think? Or reflect?